Lucas McClean
Software Engineer
There’s something deeply satisfying about taking an abstract idea and shaping it into a real, working system. In software engineering, problem-solving isn’t just a skill—it’s the foundation of what we do. That's why I love it.
All programming requires is a creative mind and the ability to organize your thoughts. If you can visualize a system, you can probably implement it in a computer program.
Languages & Technologies
URL Shortener
Jan. 2025 - Present
A URL shortener built with Go, Templ, Postgres, and Docker. The goal of this project is to gain experience building servers with Go. I'm prioritizing an organized, modular architecture with as few external dependencies as possible.
URL Shortener on GitHub -
Jan. 2025 - Present
This website: a web portfolio to showcase my work and share about myself. Built with vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS. Focus on accessibility, speed, and simplicity. Also includes a digital, interactive business card.
Digital business card live deployment -
May 2024 - Jun. 2024
A todo list CLI tool built with Go and Cobra. The tool allows you to actively add, remove, and move to-do list items directly from the terminal. It can save and retrieve multiple lists in print or interactive mode.
To-Do CLI on GitHub -
Doomsday Catastrophe
Nov. 10 - Nov. 19
One-week game jam project built in Godot. I worked with a team of five to design and built a cat themed, top-down shooter. I handled level generation, player movement, pause-play, save and load, and some enemy design.
Doomsday Catastophe on GitHub Doomsday Catastophe on